
Just another thing…

I’m Done With Guys, Myself, and Everyone else.

Do you have that fealling of heart brake? Well then I want to give you some edvice. You’ll alway be able to get though it if you keep your chin up and try to realize that you shared a friendship and it didn’t work out. There’s nothing to be sad angery about. It’s not the end of the world just because it feels like it. Keep that in mind, even when your fealling downer then down. Take this from some one who has always been heart broken. Not all relashionships end good, in fact alot of them don’t.
It seems that almost all teenage girls find that one guy that they think they’ll be with forever the truth is no one really knows what forever actully means. When I see those “happy couples” walking down the halls together, I think wounder how long thats gonna last. I’m sure theres millions of  girls out there fealing  lost, confused, and love sick. The broken heart is like the plague or a epidemic hitting teenage girls every day.
I’m trying to spread the news to all girls that guys are icky!  I’ve noticed that almost all relationships  end horrable, so I’m giving my fellow school mates advice. Well the thing is, I give very good advice but I seldom follow it. So my new goal is to listen to my awsome advice and stay single.  
I should have known that family is the most important thing first. I should have known that no one lives forever. I should have known that she loved me and cared for me. I should have known that I was being foolish. I should have known when she would take her last breath…R.I.P. I’m sorry that I wasnt there for you when I had the chance. I know your in a better place now, so make sure you get a mansion with a pool side! I love you Rylene and I’ll miss you forever!